14 research outputs found


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    Autonomous mobile robot merupakan sebuah robot yang dapat bernavigasi secara mandiri tanpa bantuanmanusia. Robot jenis ini dapat melakukan tugasnya dengan baik karena telah memiliki kecerdasan yangmenyerupai kecerdasan manusia. Kecerdasan buatan yang ditanamkan pada autonomous mobile robotakan membantu robot untuk mengambil keputusan serta beradaptasi pada area kerjanya, misalnya untukmenemukan jalur bebas hambatan. Penelitian ini membahas pengembangan sistem pengendalianpergerakan robot untuk mencari jalur bebas hambatan, artinya robot harus dapat dikendalikan agar tidakmengalami benturan terhadap beberapa halangan (multiple obstacle) yang ada didepannya. Untuk dapatmelakukan hal tersebut, robot diberi kecerdasan buatan menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Controller. Dalamsimulasi, robot 100% berhasil mendapatkan jalur bebas hambatan dengan cara menghindari beberapahalangan yang bergerak


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    Pendeteksian target merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dan merupakan titik tolak kerjasistem Robot Pengikut Manusia. Penelitian ini membahas sistem pendeteksi target denganmengkombinasikan pendeteksian badan bagian atas (upper body) dan warna pakaian target. Sistempendeteksian upper body menggunakan Haar Cascade Classifiers. Sensor yang digunakan dalampendeteksian adalah dua buah kamera yang disusun secara stereo. Sensor akan menangkap citra yangberada di depannya. Setelah upper body terdeteksi proses berikutnya melakukan pengenalan terhadapwarna pakaian. Warna yang jadi referensi adalah warna merah sesuai hasil pengambilan sample yangtelah di normalisasi. Pendeteksian warna dilakukan pada daerah bagian bawah dan setengah bagian darilebar upper body. Setelah itu jika target ditemukan, kemudian target akan ditandai. Langkah terakhiradalah mencari titik pusat target. Pengujian dilakukan dalam beberapa skenario. Masing-masing skenariodilakukan dengan pose dan kondisi yang berbeda. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuansistem. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem pendeteksian yang dilakukan dapat mengenali target danmampu membedakan target dengan obyek lainnya. Hasil pendeteksian dengan memadukan pendeteksianupper body dengan warna pakaian target menghasilkan pendeteksian yang lebih baik

    Identifikasi Plant Purwarupa Heat Exhcanger Tipe Shell dan Tube Model Counter Flow Memanfaatkan Software Matlab

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    – a heat exchanger is a device that acts as a transfer of heat energy between two fluids or more. There are various ways to improve the effectiveness of heat exchange devices, according to mechanical engineering, by increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, increasing the surface area of the heat exchanger and increase the temperature difference to reach the specified temperature. The heat transfer can be defined as the transfer of energy from one system to another as a result of the temperature difference, this energy transfer always occurs from a high temperature system to another lower temperature system and will stop after the two systems reach the same temperature, the temperature difference is the main requirement for the transfer of the system. The design of prototype heat exchanger coolermodel counter flow has been made and by utilizing MATLAB software, we have obtained mathematical model of plant order 2, to test the response of plant using simulink in MATLAB, so that the response of the plant at setpoint is still above, improve the performance or response of the plant.

    Implementation of Automatic DC Motor Braking PID Control System on (Disc Brakes)

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    The vital role of an automated braking system in ensuring the safety of motorized vehicles and their passengers cannot be overstated. It simplifies the braking process during driving, enhancing control and reducing the chances of accidents. This study is centered on the design of an automatic braking device for DC motors utilizing disc brakes. The instrument employed in this study was designed to accelerate the vehicle in two primary scenarios - before the collision with an obstacle and upon crossing the safety threshold. It achieves this by implementing the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control method. A significant part of this system comprises ultrasonic sensors, used for detecting the distance to obstructions, and rotary encoder sensors, which are utilized to measure the motor's rotational speed. These distance and speed readings serve as essential reference points for the braking process. The system is engineered to initiate braking when the distance value equals or falls below 60cm or when the speed surpasses 8000rpm. During such events, the disc brake is activated to reduce the motor's rotary motion. The suppression of the disc brake lever is executed pneumatically, informed by the sensor readings. Applying the PID method to the automatic braking system improved braking outcomes compared to a system without the PID method. This was proven by more effective braking results when the sensors detected specific distance and speed values. Numerous PID tuning tests achieved optimal results with K_p = 5, K_i = 1, and K_d = 3. These values can be integrated into automatic braking systems for improved performance. The PID method yielded more responsive braking outcomes when applied in distance testing. On the contrary, the braking results were largely unchanged in the absence of PID. Regarding speed testing, the PID method significantly improved the slowing down of the motor speed when it exceeded the maximum speed limit of 8000 rpm. This eliminates the possibility of sudden braking, thus maintaining the system within a safe threshold. The average time taken by the system to apply braking was 01.09 seconds, an indication of its quick responsiveness. This research is a valuable addition to control science, applying the PID control method to automatic DC motor braking. It provides valuable insights and concrete applications of PID control to complex mechatronic systems. It is also noteworthy for its development and optimization of suitable PID parameters to achieve responsive and stable braking. The study, therefore, offers a profound understanding of how PID control can be employed to manage braking systems on automatic DC motors, thereby advancing knowledge and application of control in control science and mechatronics

    Perancangan Mekanisme Kontrol Kinerja Supply Chain Management (Scm)

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    This study discusses the performance control mechanisms Supply Chain Management (SCM). The steps in this research is to identify indicators of performance, then design a control mechanism using a control chart performance and analyze performance indicators SCM capabilities. Results of this study was the design of the control mechanism of the performance of SCM with the SCOR model, which Deliver perspective with three performance indicators, ie indicators On Time - In Full, Quality and Delivery Performance Of Transportation Cost As Percentage Of Sales. The third indicator is effective to control the performance indicators. In addition, the control limits are used as the controller of performance indicators in this study can also determine the position of SCM performance more quickly, so that the organization can perform its business processes better

    Obstacle Avoidance Based on Stereo Vision Navigation System for Omni-directional Robot

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    This paper addresses the problem of obstacle avoidance in mobile robot navigation systems. The navigation system is considered very important because the robot must be able to be controlled from its initial position to its destination without experiencing a collision. The robot must be able to avoid obstacles and arrive at its destination. Several previous studies have focused more on predetermined stationary obstacles. This has resulted in research results being difficult to apply in real environmental conditions, whereas in real conditions, obstacles can be stationary or moving caused by changes in the walking environment. The objective of this study is to address the robot’s navigation behaviors to avoid obstacles. In dealing with complex problems as previously described, a control system is designed using Neuro-Fuzzy so that the robot can avoid obstacles when the robot moves toward the destination. This paper uses ANFIS for obstacle avoidance control. The learning model used is offline learning. Mapping the input and output data is used in the initial step. Then the data is trained to produce a very small error. To support the movement of the robot so that it is more flexible and smoother in avoiding obstacles and can identify objects in real-time, a three wheels omnidirectional robot is used equipped with a stereo vision sensor. The contribution is to advance state of the art in obstacle avoidance for robot navigation systems by exploiting ANFIS with target-and-obstacles detection based on stereo vision sensors. This study tested the proposed control method by using 15 experiments with different obstacle setup positions. These scenarios were chosen to test the ability to avoid moving obstacles that may come from the front, the right, or the left of the robot. The robot moved to the left or right of the obstacles depending on the given Vy speed. After several tests with different obstacle positions, the robot managed to avoid the obstacle when the obstacle distance ranged from 173 – 150 cm with an average speed of Vy 274 mm/s. In the process of avoiding obstacles, the robot still calculates the direction in which the robot is facing the target until the target angle is 0

    Identifikasi Plant Purwarupa Heat Exhcanger Tipe Shell dan Tube Model Counter Flow Memanfaatkan Software Matlab

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    Abstract – a heat exchanger is a device that acts as a transfer of heat energy between two fluids or more. There are various ways to improve the effectiveness of heat exchange devices, according to mechanical engineering, by increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, increasing the surface area of the heat exchanger and increase the temperature difference to reach the specified temperature. The heat transfer can be defined as the transfer of energy from one system to another as a result of the temperature difference, this energy transfer always occurs from a high temperature system to another lower temperature system and will stop after the two systems reach the same temperature, the temperature difference is the main requirement for the transfer of the system. The design of prototype heat exchanger coolermodel counter flow has been made and by utilizing MATLAB software, we have obtained mathematical model of plant order 2, to test the response of plant using simulink in MATLAB, so that the response of the plant at setpoint is still above, improve the performance or response of the plant..Keywords:

    Analisa Rantai Pasok Komoditas Tembakau Madura

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    Komoditas tembakau Madura merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh petani Madura. Akan tetapi pada Kenyataannya, petani tembakau madura masih belum bisa menjual tembakaunya dengan harga yang tinggi. Ini dikarenakan panjangnya rantai pasok penjualan tembakau Madura. Terdapat beberapa interrmediate trader dalam rantai pasok tersebut dan setiap intermediate trader juga mengambil keuntungan penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki mekanisme rantai pasok penjualan tembakau Madura. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisa SWOT dan analisa rantai pasok. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan FGD dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian berupa rekayasa rantai pasok penjualan komoditas tembakau dengan menciptakan marketplace. Diharapkan penelitian ini bisa menjadi input bagi penelitian selanjutnya dalam proses desain dan membangun marketplace

    Perancangan Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    Kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil untuk pembangkit listrik semakin meningkat, sehingga cadangan bahan bakar semakin menipis. Energi listrik merupakan energi yang sangat mudah untuk dipergunakan, karena sangat mudah dikonversi menjadi bentuk energi lain dengna mudah dan efisien. Pemerintah telah mencanangkan untuk berhemat energi dan memberikan program program perancangan energi terbarukan melalui Perubahan energi matahari, angin, air dan biomassa. Penelitian energi terbarukan pada solar cell, micro hydro dan biomassa telah banyak dilakukan, isu terkini pada energi terbarukan adalah pemanfaatan panas buang (waste heat), pada dunia industri dan permesinan seperti automobiles, boilers dan radiator pada mobil dan kapal banyak menyumbang panas yang terbuang. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) merupakan jenis semikonduktor yang dapat menghasilkan tegangan berdasarkan perbedaan temperatur yang melewati kedua sisi alatnya. Perancangan media ajar energi terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan Thermoelectric generator (TEG) akan menggunakan dua jenis fluida yaitu fluida panas da fluida dingin, untuk membangkitkan fluida panas digunakan heater dan untuk fluida dingin akan menggunakan air es. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dari 5 TEG yang disusun secara seri dan di paralel dengan 5 TEG berikutnya. Data hasil percobaan bahwa media ajar TEG dapat menghasilkan tegangan 9,20 volt pada kondisi fluida panas pada temperatur 64oC dan fluida dingin pada temperatur 11oC, sedangkan perbedaan temperatur (ΔT=53oC)

    WEB-Based Traffic Ticket Data Processing Information System

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    The purpose of the present study was to generate a WEB-based traffic ticket data processing information system to simplify the management of traffic offender data. This study used a structured analysis method, which is a technique to collect data and determine the facts in a systems design. A Traffic Ticket Data Processing Information System provides information concerning the amount of fines, articles violated, time and place of the trial, providing ease of information effectively and accurately. However, the characteristics of the information generated had not yet had a proper quality in terms of accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information. As end-users, communities have not been satisfied with the information generated. The information system has not been functioning as a management information system for in the implementation stage there were still many obstacles and shortcomings so that the information generated could not be used for decision and policy making